Below are our articles on the subject of Breasts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Benefits of Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen can treat breast cancers that are sensitive to the hormone oestrogen. The drug has saved and extended the lives of many women with breast cancer since the…...
Breast Enlargement Surgery
Breast implants are available in a variety of shapes ans sizes depending on the woman's needs. It may be that she wants a small lift and increase in size, or a large…...
Breast Feeding Facts
Breastfeeding is by far the safest and most nutritious way of feeding a baby. Almost all women and babies will find some benfit from breastfeeding and it should be the…...
Breast Reconstruction Surgery: The Latissmus Dorsi Flap
A Latissimus dorsi flap is one of the older methods of breast reconstruction, used in women who have had a radical mastectomy as a treatment for breast cancer....
Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgery can be carried out to reduce the sixze of the breasts or to correct asymmetry. It is not offered by all NHS Trusts and each patient will be…...
Breast Screening Services
Breast screening services were developed along with the advances in medical technology and provides a service allowing women over the age of 50 to be tested every…...
Breast Tumours Explored
Finding out you have a breast lump can be a very distressing time but it is very possible that this lump may not be a malignant growth....
Breasts - Self Examination
Breast examinations can be learned and performed by the individual. It is the best method of detecting any changes early which can lead to better success rates when…...
Improvements in Breast Cancer Survival
Breast cancer survival rates have increased a lot during the last 25 years thanks to better breast screening, earlier diagnosis and better treatments, such as…...
Lymphedema: What Causes It?
Lymphodema in the west is more commonly associated with cancer treatment, particularly with surgery to treat breast cancer. It can arise as a side effect of a…...
Lymphoedema: Treatment and Support
One in five women who have breast cancer is prone to lymphoedema, an abnormal swelling of the tissues that results from poor drainage through the lymphatic vessels;…...
Taking a Breast Biopsy
If a breast lump has been found, or an abnormality detected during the screening process it is important to obtain a sample of the tissue to find out what has caused…...
What Are Breast Cysts?
Breast cysts are small, fluid filled sacs that develop in the breast; they can be felt during a breast self-examination, and can appear on a mammogram. They are…...
What are Mammograms?
A mammogram is a type of x-ray that is used to see images from inside the breast. It is very important in detecting cancers and seeing its exact location....
What is Mastitis?
Mastitis is a painful condition that is most often seen in breast-feeding mothers. It can be relieved at home if it is not too severe, otherwise it will need…...
What is Paget's Disease?
Paget’s disease of the breast is a form of breast cancer that affects 1-2% of women who are diagnosed with the disease. It is usually recognised early because it…...